Starting in the second quarter of 2024 Evergreen Metro District will be starting the Lead Service Line Inventory Project. This project will allow EMD to become compliant with the revisions to the EPA and CDPHE’s Lead and Copper Rules.
In 1974 the Safe Drinking Water Act banned the use of lead in pipes, solder, and other plumbing materials by 1986. Many homes in the District were built at a time when lead was used in piping, and due to the nature of mountain building, EMD does not have records of all services line types to homes in the district.
In order to comply with the new regulations we will be checking all of the services lines that we do not have records of in the district to make sure they are not leaded lines. Our Collections and Distribution crew will be contacting residents of the homes we do not have service line records on and excavating the lines in order to visually inspect and identify those service lines. If you were not contacted, then we know what your service line is made of, and it's does not contain lead.
Most of the digging will be done by Hydro-excavating with our jetting truck, which allows us to limit the impact on customers’ property and landscaping. If not, we will have to use the backhoe to excavate. The District will then restore the property as needed.